What Ozone Therapy Does in the Body

What Ozone Therapy Does in the Body

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Poor oxygen utilization effects cells at the mitochondrial level leading to most disease and illnesses; Ozone Therapy treats this.

We breath oxygen from birth to death, but can have trouble making use of oxygen. Dysfunction of oxygen utilization in cells leads to low cellular energy production, where the body struggles to use fats for energies leading to sugar addiction, decreased aerobic capacity, fatigue, illness, disease, early aging, and even cancers. 

Poor oxygen utilization increases free radicals, inflammation, pain, and immune system failure.

Ozone therapy floods a local area such as a knee joint or the entire body in intravenous ozone therapy to jumpstart the mitochondria of the cells. This regulates the immune system and its stem cells and white blood cells. Repeated ozone therapy continues to give the cells the signal to function as they did during youth, leading to increased cellular energy production, disease reversal, and improved performance.

At the cellular level ozone reacts with the lipid layer around our cell membranes creating a byproduct called ozonides. These ozonides stimulate cellular function in the body and start the process of healing and reversal of disease. 

Learn how IV Ozone Therapy works for the entire body.  Specific pain areas? Ozone Injections Help Joints and Tissues Heal. Breathing problems, inflammation, or neuropathies? Ozone Oil Inhalations are easy, affordable, and effective. 

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