
AutoImmune Diseases

Autoimmune Disease has complex ideologies, which are treated with complex treatment regimens. EBOO, 10 Pass IV, and other high dose forms of oxidative therapies jump start the immune system towards healing. We combine ozone dialysis with adjunctive treatments to continue the healing process in autoimmune diseases. 

Remember that you did not get sick in a day or a month,,, therefore healing takes longterm work on both the patient’s and practitioner’s part.

Ozone works to bring down the overactive immune response of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjögren Syndrome, Type I diabetes, and Myasthenia gravis. The strongest IV Ozone, known as (EBOO) Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation is best for autoimmune treatments.

Ozone Also For:

Celiac Disease

Meniere’s Disease



Behcet’s Disease

Juvenile Arthritis

Details: AutoImmune Diseases and Ozone Therapy 

It is estimated that more than 30 million of people living in America are suffering from one of the more than 125 recognized autoimmune diseases. A few of the most commonly recognized autoimmune conditions include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's disease, Psoriasis, and Multiple Sclerosis. These disorders can be life-threatening for those suffering from them and impact numerous organs and tissues of the body, depending on the organs and systems suffer. Although the signs and symptoms vary, the v disorders are characterized by one thing they all have in common: the Immune System is attacking itself.

What's an autoimmune disorder?

You're probably aware that the major purpose for the immune system is protecting us from infection and disease, a necessity to live on this planet. When we have an immune system that is healthy the harmful viruses and germs in the body are eradicated and we are able to remain well into old age.

In autoimmune disorders the Immune System is overactive and causes damage to the body’s own tissues and organs. This is because of the body's inability of distinguishing the normal cell from foreign invaders. Although there are more than 125 autoimmune disorders, they all have similar symptoms like:

  • Joint swelling and pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Brain fog
  • Skin irritations and sensitivities
  • Food intolerances
  • The mood changes
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Frequent fever and glands swelling
  • Sleep difficulty
  • Depression and anxiety

What is the cause of this immune system reaction? And how do we stop it?

Inflammation can be both the source and cause of chronic illnesses like autoimmune diseases. For healthy individuals inflammation is a natural reaction to injury, infection or stress. After stress is controlled, the body is capable of returning to normal and inflammation gets reduced. In the case of a person suffering from an autoimmune condition the body's cells are overwhelmed by the increase in inflammation and are unable to in reversing the course.

The inflammation persists long after the attack ended , causing ongoing ailments and signs. The constant inflammation robs cells of oxygen, reduces cells' ability to produce energy and to eliminate waste. It also reduces the rate of cell repair. What can we do to combat this damage to cells caused by autoimmune and decrease inflammation?

Medical Ozone

Ozone is known as one of the miraculous molecules due to its unique structure as well as its successful usage in medical therapy since the 1800’s. With 3 oxygen atoms instead of two, Ozone (O3) is considered to be a "super" oxygen.

Medical Ozone is produced at RedLion Medical Group by passing purified medical oxygen through an ozone generator. When this medical ozone is mixed into blood or injected into tissue some of the harmful effects of inflammation can be reversed through the introduction of oxygen as well as lipo-peroxides that stay in the body for days after the ozone is administered. This amazing molecule of O3 is recognized to bring about positive outcomes for those suffering from inflammatory conditions:

Enhanced antioxidant capacity

A person suffering from an autoimmune condition is likely to suffer from more inflammation within the body. The antioxidant properties of medical ozone shield our body from the effects of oxidative stress, and may stop cell damage.

Immune system support

Ozone is anti-microbial and has anti-inflammatory properties that are crucial aspects in the fight against pathogens that trigger the immune system.

The delivery in oxygenation to tissue

In autoimmune conditions inflammation reduces cells' ability to absorb oxygen. Ozone's ability to breakdown in oxygen once mixed with blood improves the overall health of cells by increasing the oxygen consumption in cells.

Increase blood circulation

Many people suffering from autoimmune diseases suffer from poor digestion, which affects the absorption of nutrients. Ozone in medical treatments lets more nutrients reach the body's tissues through increased blood circulation and circulation.

In patients with autoimmune diseases it is an endless cycle of inflammation, tissue cell damage as well as the loss of nutrients. The result and cause makes it challenging for patients to completely recover from condition. Through the use with medical Ozone, the major causes of autoimmune diseases are being treated, rather than only the individual symptoms which immunosuppressants do.

The advantages of medical ozone are astounding in its ability to improve cell health and boost the health of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. At RedLion Medical Group, we provide medical ozone therapy as part of a holistic functional medical strategy to treat autoimmune diseases and other chronic diseases.

Learn More

Read about Ozone Therapy at RedLion Medical Group and call us today at 402-858-8131

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