High Dose Intravenous Ozone Therapies

EBOO, 1-10 Pass Hyperbaric Ozone, 20 Pass Therapy, and IV Therapies

What IV Ozone Does in the Body

Intravenous (IV) Ozone Therapy oxygenates a portion of the patient’s blood, giving it nutrients, ramping up the hemoglobin and mitochondria of the cells to make energy for the body. This stimulates the entire immune system to wake up and restart. The mechanism of action of ozone is from a medical therapeutic oxidative stress when the ozone is mixed with the patient’s blood, this results in the body ramping up its own antioxidant production leading to healing, anti aging, energy, and strength. Much like a jumpstart to a dead battery in a car, ozone brings life back to the system to help it function as it did in a patient’s younger years of life. 

Evolution of IV Ozone Therapy

The history of ozone therapy in High Doses began with Major AutoHemotherapy, where 220 ml or roughly 1 cup of blood is pulled from the patient into an IV bag. The blood is then enriched with a mixture of oxygen and ozone, then put back in the patient by gravity. This entire process lasts 40-60 minutes. Major Autohemotherapy provides significant doses of ozone for acute and chronic diseases. For chronic issues this procedure can be performed weekly, biweekly, or daily for a number of weeks until a therapeutic response is achieved.

With advancements IV ozone was sped up using a machine that helps pull the blood from the arm into a vacuum container, where it is mixed with oxygen and ozone, then the machine helps return the blood back to the patient, a 5-10 minute process versus the old 45 minute method. This machine process is called 1 Pass of ozone “Hyperbaric Ozone” Therapy or HBOT. The cycle of ozonating the blood can then be repeated, doing it 2, 3, 10, 20, or more times or any number in between. Small amounts of heparin are ran through the tubing during this process to prevent any blood clotting. The risk of side effects or complications is extremely low. Common "“intravenous ozone therapy” done around the world involves 10 passes of ozone during a single session, where the majority of diseases benefit greatly from weekly 10-pass ozone sessions until healing occurs. 

Low dose Direct IV ozone (DIV) is a treatment where a small amount of ozone with a special sized needle and catheter are precisely pushed into a vein over a 5-10 minute period. DIV can be done for viruses and minor illnesses, this also works for children and patients with smaller veins that do not support traditional sized IV catheters.

IV Ozone Therapy in 2023

The latest changes in the high dose ozone therapy involve utilizing two veins, where blood is pulled from one vein with the assistance of a pump into a chamber where it is mixed with oxygen and ozone, then returned into another vein on the opposite arm. This therapy is called EBOO, or Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation, and has been nicknamed “Ozone Dialysis” as the mixture chamber used is similar in design to traditional dialysis chambers. Data shows this is the highest dose of ozone to date in the world, where the majority of the blood in the body is ozonated during a 60 minute session, exponentially more than the first gen “ozone autohemotherapy”. This form of therapy requires the patient to have two veins on opposite arms that accept larger bore IVs. An alternative we practice to EBOO for many patients is high dose ozone through one vein only, where we do 10, 15, 20, or 25 passes of ozone in a single session.

At RedLion Medical Group we do EBOO, Single pass hyperbaric ozone therapy, or Multi pass ozone (between 2 and 25 ozone passes per session). For specific area treatments read about Ozone Injections for pain management and injuries or Ozonated Oil Inhalation Treatments for Lungs, Inflammation, and Neuropathies.

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