Prolozone Therapies for Orthopedics, Pain, and Soft Tissues

Regenerative Injections for Orthopedics, Chronic Damage, and Pain Management

Our regenerative injections are a mixture of oxygen, ozone and homeopathic ingredients, such as procaine anesthetic and B vitamins due to their healing effects. It is ideal for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain, including chronic back and neck discomfort, rotator-cuff injuries and degenerative arthritis of the knees, damaged discs, elbow and shoulder pain, or other soft tissue pains around joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and even bone pain.

Our injections reverse the pathology of the condition has a roughly 75% chance of the sufferer of chronic pain to become pain free.

For generalized inflammation or neuropathies read about Ozonated Oil Inhalation Treatments and for severe disease or systemic issues Learn about High Dose IV Ozone Therapies that we offer. 

Call Us today to see if you are a candidate for ozone therapy at RedLion Medical Group. 

What Is Prolozone Therapy?

Prolozone is from Latin term "proli" which means to regenerate or rebuild, along with the addition of ozone. Ozone is the highest active oxygen form throughout the universe. Prolozone therapy uses oxygen's ability to heal damaged joints, tissues as well as ligaments and tendons. It usually results in the significant healing of the area, and the pain is often gone.

How Does Regenerative Injection Therapy Work?

The reason why certain injuries heal completely while others are unable to involves circulation. For an area that has been damaged in the body to recover and heal itself, it needs to contain the essential elements that only blood can supply such as vitamins, minerals and oxygen.

Of these elements, the most crucial is oxygen. Insufficient levels of oxygen can cause an increase in lactic acid which causes discomfort. Our injections work in three ways. First, natural anti-inflammatory medicines are injected into an injured region to decrease swelling and inflammation. This increases circulation. Then, the area is treated with minerals and vitamins that are vital to healing.

Then, the entire area is infiltrated by oxygen in the form Ozone. This results in tissues receiving the nutrients they require to recover. As they heal, circulation to the affected area is re-established, and treatment is completed. The treatment's time to healing varies between individuals however, most patients require 4 to 6 treatments. Chronic conditions need more treatments and may require maintenance therapy as well.

Conditions That Can Be Treated With Injections

Our treatments works on just about any pain issue that you may be suffering from, including:

cervical pains, whiplash, discs that have degenerated or ruptured, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome. Torn muscles, sciatica, TMJ and heel spurs. Neuromas, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, injuries to the knee and nearly any other sporting injuries.

Since injections also result in the regeneration of cartilage, the procedure is extremely efficient even in many severe cases of osteoarthritis of the knee. The great thing about prolozone is that it's not just a cure for discomfort. The results are actually an end-to-end solution.

Are Our Injections The Same As Prolotherapy?

No. Our therapy uses oxygen and ozone to create healing. Prolotherapy works by inducing inflammation to trigger the healing, such as injecting dextrose or prp. In RedLion Medical Group we used to employ prolotherapy heavily in the past. While we discovered that it was efficient, it did have limitations. Prolotherapy can be extremely painful. The pain can last for a few days or over a week following treatment.

With the addition of ozone and removing the irritant injections, patients who undergo our injections feel immediate improvement with hardly any discomfort during treatment. These injections are quicker to administer and also far less expensive for a full course of treatment.

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