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Everything you need to learn about the Myers Cocktail IV Therapy

In recent years practitioners of functional medicine and many patients are understanding the advantages of IV therapy in helping people with a range of medical conditions, anti-aging, and good health. Myers' Cocktail IV therapy is one of these options that provides a therapeutic blend of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals to fix the deficiencies that patients might have. Trained medical providers administer Myers Cocktail and other Patient Specific Blends straight into the bloodstream of the patient via an IV in the arm. Extensive research shows that many ailments are well-responded to this therapy.

Myers Cocktail Provides a Mix of Vitamins Essential to the Body

Myers Cocktail was first invented in the 1970s by John Myers MD, a physician based in Baltimore. He assisted patients by administering a 10mL injection which contained a mixture of vitamins and minerals according to each patients illness and condition his patients were given the injections once or twice each week, or as little as once per month. Here are some of the primary ingredients of a Myers Cocktail.

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins B Complex, which includes Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12.

Myers Cocktail IV Therapy helps with various Medical Conditions

IV therapy is quiet effective in helping patients deal with illnesses since they complement the effects of standard medicines. Even in severe diseases such as fibromyalgia, Myers Cocktail IV therapy have allowed patients to get relief from pain, with none of the adverse effcts that standard Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammation Drugs (NSAIDs) contain. A sample list of conditions patients may seek Myers IV Treatments for include:

  • Acute fatigue
  • Migraine
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Muscle spasms
  • Upper Respiratory tract Infections
  • Allergies
  • Neuropathy, Pain, Fibromyalgia
  • Sinusitis
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hangovers
  • Chronic stress, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Angina
  • Poor Cirulation
  • Weak immune system
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Improving Energy
  • Sleep
  • Memory
  • Hydration

Be aware that every patient will have their own response to the treatment with some reporting relief from ailments for weeks to months. Repeat or maintenance treatments are recommended for continued health and vitality as well as anti aging.

How Myers Cocktail Therapy is Administered

Patients receiving Myers IV therapy usually don't suffer from any adverse side consequences. Through the whole infusion process medical staff are available and will monitor your progress. The possible side effects could include slight soreness at the injection site and a low risk of infection that comes with all IV therapy.

Magnesium works as a vasodilator and expand blood vessels. This means that that a Myers Cocktail could lower blood pressure which can cause lightheadedness. If you having these symptoms during your treatment, staff will reduce the drip rate of the IV, end the treatment early, and can adjust future treatments in a patient specific manner. 

Thirst is a common side effect depending on the amount of Vitamin C in a Myers mix, which can also mimic the effects of hypoglycemia. Usually orange juice or similar drinks are available. Patients are advised to stand up slowly if going to the restroom or for other needs due to the slight risk of a fall.

IV therapy with Myers' Cocktail has many positive effects on the body and improves energy levels at the cellular. 

Does Myers Cocktail Have Side Effects?

Alpha Lipoic Acid can raise glutathione levels in the intracellular space. ALA is easily absorbed even when taken orally and exponentially better when given as "IV Alpha Lipoic Acid Therapy". Once inside cells, it's rapidly transformed into its most potent form dihydrolipoic acid. This is an even more potent neutralizer of free radicals.

Since both alpha-lipoic acids and dihydrolipoic acids are antioxidants, their actions together give more antioxidant capacity than any other antioxidant known at present.

Is Myers IV Therapy Right For You?

If you are suffering from illness, chronic disease, fatigue, stress, pain, or poor nutrition, you are a candidate for Myers IV Infusions. Patients that also want peak athletic performance, anti aging, strength, and wellness are also well suited for a Myers IV.

Call Us Today for Myers IV and other IV Therapies at

RedLion Medical Group

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